“If he were killing a mouse, he would know how to make it seem like a dragon.”
I offer two bits of the anglosphere’s past to help us understand two bits of the Russian present. Firstly, “I should like to put it on record that I have never been able to dislike Hitler. … The fact...
View ArticleGovernment minister guilty of ‘bullying’: expecting senior civil servants to...
Michael Gove stands accused of bullying his civil servants. According to The Sun, he “was said to have been visibly angry with a string of officials” over the abject state of the visa scheme for...
View ArticleWoke rage reveals a fact about the transition pipeline from schools to social...
Some Texan childcare social workers are so “distraught” that a new law regulates their handling of trans kids that they say they will resign! (We’ll see if woke bureaucrats’ promises to resign are...
View ArticleSamizdata quote of the night that identifies as a day
Kathleen Stock’s latest article in Unherd is titled “The emptiness of being queer” and subtitled “Sexual libertarians and rainbow bureaucrats created the perfect racket”. She should have subtitled it...
View Article“Who said the ‘N’ word?”
Natalie asked, “Can you guess what Lufthansa is talking about here?” For a bonus point, can you guess what word, beginning with ‘N’, the German policeman is prohibiting here? … Jewish passengers were...
View ArticleSonnets are racist says SalfordU
Salford University has banned sonnets and suchlike “products of white western culture” from its creative writing course to “decolonise the curriculum”. I say ‘banned’ but they say they merely...
View Article“Ve’re askink ze qvestions!”
Last Wednesday, Jodi Shaw received a Hero of Intellectual Freedom Award – and got to rap on-stage in NYC, four years after Smith College told her she couldn’t because rapping while white was racist....
View ArticleSamizdata word for today: paraprofessional
their paramilitary character must be understood in connection with other professional party organisations, such as those for teachers, lawyers, physicians, students, university professors, technicians...
View ArticleSo who was Britain’s Dr Birx?
Although it is already being offered at 50% off, I feel so reluctant to put money in the pocket of Dr Birx that I will delay reading her new book until I see a remaindered copy on a charity bookstall....
View ArticleA Modest Proposal for containing Monkeypox
The WHO has proclaimed Monkeypox a global health emergency. A major study in the New England Journal of Medicine finds that Monkeypox is being driven overwhelmingly by sex between men. Yesterday the...
View ArticleDo you not know, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed?
Tegnell was aided by another worthy candidate to share the Nobel, Johan Giesecke, who had formerly held Tegnell’s job and served during the pandemic as an advisor to the Swedish public health agency....
View ArticleWhat was he expecting?
Last week, James Sweet, Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and President of the American Historical Association, published a very few, very cautious criticisms of the 1619...
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View ArticleThe EU stands up for financial privacy (yes, really)
For once (yes, it happens) the legal authorities of the EU are in the right, in my view, and their critics are wrong, contrary to what Henry Williams, author of this article in CapX, says. A top EU...
View ArticleDo want subsidized chips with your policy, sir?
“Government subsidies are never free, and now we are learning the price U.S. semiconductor firms and others will pay for signing on to President Biden’s industrial policy. They will become the...
View ArticleSamizdata quote of the day – Elon Musk edition
“It might be exhausting just trying to keep up with Musk and he will get plenty wrong. And yet, all the criticism is hopelessly wide of the mark. Our political and economic culture sneers at and...
View ArticleThe US Supreme Court judgement on affirmative action – a couple of brief...
“America doesn’t need more proficiency in Harvard’s Postmodern Nihilist indoctrination. What America needs are thousands of Neo-Enlightenment Revolutionaries.” From a friend of mine called Steve on...
View ArticleIndiana Jones and the Renovation of Relics
These few paragraphs, transcribed from a (warning, very long) video essay by The Little Platoon about Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, contain lots of interesting ideas. I do not have time to...
View ArticleOh Canada!
I get press releases. Here is the text from one of them, via Ideas Beyond Borders. I repeat most of the content, and I am sure IBB won’t object. New standards for library book removal left students,...
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