Samizdata quote of the day
“America innovates, China duplicates and Europe regulates.” – Jeremy Warner, Daily Telegraph, (behind paywall). (He is writing about the EU’s Precautionary Principle and generally silly approach to new...
View ArticleThe ‘soft bigotry of low expectations’ is getting harder
Fifty years ago, the BBC screened a dramatised documentary series about the fight to abolish the slave trade. Even a year of the virus limiting new series, at a time of great BBC eagerness to talk...
View ArticleSamizdata quote of the day
“The `robber barons’ gave us railroads and public libraries. Zuck gave us Farmville and censorship.” – Glenn Reynolds, apropos criticisms of how Big Tech bosses such as Mark Zuckerberg carry on. For...
View ArticleCritical Race Theorist literally knows nothing
“They literally know nothing” was what Obama advisor Ben Rhodes said about the Obama-worshipping journalists he fooled into repeating his Iran-deal talking points. But those guys are left standing by...
View ArticleLess economy of truth, please: ‘Maths is Racist’– no, not even this
Teacher training in Louisville, Kentucky is succumbing to the woke bandwagon of “maths is racist”. I’ve already said what I wanted to say about “maths is racist” – but I noticed a remark of a...
View ArticleI could not have said it better myself
(Nor, indeed, have I ever yet said it as well.) as a law professor I try to see all sides of public and legal issues, and in my teaching and writing to present the best case for each contesting view in...
View ArticleI think he needs to get out more
Specifically, out of the bubble more. “no one saw this coming” (Dominic Raab, UK Foreign Secretary) One of many things ‘no one’ saw was the inverse analogy with Iran sending back the hostages just as...
View ArticleBeware the prepared PC put-down
“But despite that [her years of experience]”, the lady said, “I still had to get re-certified. It started with an equality and diversity test, and I got the first question wrong.” “Everyone does”, said...
View ArticleLaughing apart
Ten men acting together can make a hundred thousand tremble apart. Three weeks ago Saturday, the FBI were out in undercover force at the ‘JusticeForJan6th’ rally – and looking lonely, since everyone...
View ArticleThe Life of Brian Transcribed
On Friday September 3rd, an event was held at the headquarters of the Institute of Economic Affairs in Lord North Street, London, in honour of our own Brian Micklethwait. This event was announced...
View ArticleMerrick Garland and the Babski Bunty
‘Babski Bunty’ translates as ‘Women’s Rebellions’ – but don’t expect to find too many accounts of them in radical feminist writings. The history of an actual rebellion movement against men with guns...
View ArticleIs Omarova evil (and stupid) or stupid (and evil)?
In 1989, Boris Yeltsin visited a supermarket in Texas (in the past, such things were reported even in the NYT): “When I saw those shelves crammed with hundreds, thousands of cans, cartons and goods of...
View ArticleBecause they will take them
Not long ago, a committee for determining who receives a prestigious annual American Geophysical Union award was reconstructed to be more diverse (especially, more representative of those who who had...
View ArticleHalleluyah! Antiviral drugs are coming (and remember, Don’t mention Ivermectin!)
Now the UK has approved an anti-viral drug, early treatment is on the official agenda (on this side of the pond at least). Also on this side of the pond is a Dr John Campbell, whose amiable video...
View ArticleVaccines: some seek confidence, others a confidence trick
A dailysceptic article on the phenomenon of negative vaccine efficacy points out how routinely analysts still assume an efficacy minimum of zero, despite some negative vaccine efficacy examples having...
View ArticleJesus College, Cambridge, pays reparations for abolishing slavery
the college staged a fulsome ceremony, in which the statuette was handed to a descendent of the Obas of Benin, the slavers from whom it was confiscated. The British who freed the Oba’s slaves were...
View ArticleSamizdata quote of long ago versus yesterday
“The idea that you are successful because you are hardworking is pernicious and wrong because it means everyone who is unsuccessful is stupid and lazy.” Minouche Shafik (LSE director, quoted in The...
View ArticleWoke hatred of free speech transitions its proteges into what it forbids you...
The problem is: I was wrong. Or, to be a bit more accurate, I got things partly right. But then, for the rest, I basically just made it up. In my defence, I wasn’t alone. Everyone was (and is) making...
View ArticleThey used to feel the need of adjectives
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation has a dire warning for us. There was a time when it was “bourgeois freedom” or “freedom to starve” or something. There was a time when they felt the need of some...
View ArticleBehind Putin and Trudeau stands Xi
At the start of WWII, Britain and France imposed a blockade on Germany. They believed the blockade had contributed greatly to victory in WWI – and they liked the thought of doing it again far better...
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